Tartaczna 2/15a (3'rd floor) +48 58 380 24 25 10:00-18:00
Umów wizytę

Agnieszka Cegielska, MD, PhD

Specialisation: Dermatologist

Agnieszka Cegielska, MD PhD, is a doctor specializing in dermatology, venereology and aesthetic medicine. She is alumni of the Faculty of Medicine at the Medical University of Gdańsk who has also completed a specialist training at the Department of Dermatology, Venereology and Allergology of the Medical University of Gdańsk. In 2010 she obtained the title of specialist in the field of dermatology and venereology. In 2020 she was awarded a doctorate degree in Medical Science and her doctoral dissertation was devoted to the skin problems in the population of organ transplant recipients. She has 10 years of clinical experience and is an author of scientific articles published in the Polish and foreign academic journals as well as she attends numerous scientific conferences both at home and abroad. She has been performing aesthetic medicine treatments for several years. Additionally, she has cooperated with Dr Irena Eris Cosmetic Institute and has been a member of the Polish Dermatological Society and European Academy of Dermatology and Venereology. She specializes in treating children and adults with skin, hair and nail disorders and offers a wide range of treatments within both clinical dermatology and aesthetic medicine.

+48 58 380 24 25

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