Tartaczna 2/15a (3'rd floor) +48 58 380 24 25 10:00-18:00
Umów wizytę


Angiology is the medical discipline that focuses on diagnosis and treatment of arterial, vascular, microcirculatory and lymphatic diseases. These include such disorders as atherosclerosis, arterial and venous thrombosis, arterial hypertension, coagulation disorders and cancer of the cardiovascular system.

The most common symptoms to consult an angiologist are:

•             varicose veins;

•             swollen legs and ankles;

•             spider veins on the skin;

•             cramps and burning sensation in the legs;

•             feeling of so-called heavy legs, which occurs especially in the evening after a long day of work (mainly standing or sitting);

•             frequent tingling and numbness in the limbs;

•             temporary loss of sensation in the limbs.


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