Tartaczna 2/15a (3'rd floor) +48 58 380 24 25 10:00-18:00
Umów wizytę


Consultation in the field of aesthetic medicine220 PLN
Consultation in the field of aesthetic medicine followed by a treatment          free of charge

Botulinum toxin – facial wrinkle removal and excessive sweating (hyperhidrosis) treatment:

One area500 PLN
Two areas900 PLN
Three areas1300 PLN
Excessive Sweating (Hyperhidrosis) Treatment – underarms1500 PLN
Excessive Sweating (Hyperhidrosis) Treatment – hands and feet1800 PLN

Fractional CO2 Laser Therapy

Laser Scar Treatmentprice from 300 PLN

Laser resurfacing – facial rejuvenation treatment

Full face1100 PLN / treatment
Neck700 PLN / treatment
Décolletage700 PLN / treatment
Face and neck1500 PLN / treatment
Neck and décolletage1200 PLN / treatment
Forehead400 PLN / treatment
Cheeks700 PLN / treatment
Eye area400 PLN / treatment
Lips area300 PLN / treatment
Hands700 PLN / treatment

Laser Treatment for Acne Scars

Full face1000 PLN / treatment
Forehead400 PLN / treatment
Cheeks500 PLN / treatment
Chin300 PLN / treatment
Décolletage700 PLN / treatment
Back1000-1500 PLN / treatment
Laser Stretch Mark Removal              price determined individually

Hyaluronic Acid Filling

Nasolabial folds fillingfrom 1000 PLN*
Tear troughts filling from 1000 PLN*
Lip augmentationfrom 1000 PLN*
Lip hydrationfrom 1000 PLN*
Lip area wrinkles correctionfrom 1000 PLN*

Volumetric Facelift

1 ml1100 PLN
2 ml1800 PLN
Bio-revitalisation Skin Treatment – hand skin rejuvenation1000 PLN


Face Mesotherapyfrom from 450 PLN*
Neck Mesotherapyfrom 400 PLN*
Décolletage Mesotherapy  from 400 PLN*
2 areas
3 areas
from 650 PLN*
from 1000 PLN*
Eye Area Mesotherapy250 PLN
Scalp Mesotherapy – management of hairloss450 PLN
Skin booster (Restylane Vital, Restylane Vital Light)from 600 PLN*

Medical Peelings

Retix C (anti-wrinkle retinol treatment)400 PLN
TCA (trichloroacetic acid) deep chemical peel400 PLN
Cosmelan de-pigmentation peel1500 PLN
Superficial peelfrom 200 PLN*

*The price for treatment depends on the type and amount of product used


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